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Our guides

Our guides show you the best ways to make your money go further and work harder. They contain all the latest financial information and are set out clearly to help you make smart decisions.

Money insights

Latest insights into what's going on behind the headlines, and what you can do to make your cash work harder for you from the money.co.uk team:

Shopping with a credit card - how to get the best credit card rewards
09 December 2022

Brits missing millions of pounds a month by using the wrong cards

More than 5 in 6 shop purchases are now carried out by card, the British Retail Consortium has found - how to make money from yours

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A man reaches into his savings to withdraw money
02 December 2022

More people are pulling money from their pensions - and it could be an expensive mistake

The rules of drawing money from your pension have changed in the past few years - but it’s not clear people fully understand them yet.

Taking money out could cost more than you think
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt considers his 2022 Autumn Statement, ahead of delivering the speech to the House of Commons - Source: HM Treasury
17 November 2022

What chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement means for you

We take a look at what chancellor Jeremy Hunt's Autumn Statement will mean for your money - including tax rises and pension changes.

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11 November 2022

How to Save for Your Next Financial Goal

Discover how to set realistic savings goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them.

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20 May 2022

Consumer confidence plummets: How to make plans to secure your future income

Consumer confidence has fallen to the lowest level since records began almost 50 years ago, as the cost of living crisis continues to pile pressure on household finances. The GfK Consumer Confidence Index revealed confidence is now even lower than it was following the financial crisis in 2008.

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The 2022 Spring Statement has been delivered by Chancellor Rishi Sunak
23 March 2022

What Rishi Sunak announced in the 2022 Spring Statement and what it all means for your money

Rishi Sunak has delivered his 2022 Spring Statement - outlining his plans to help people and businesses survive the cost of living crisis as inflation soars and finances are stretched. This is what he said and what it all means for you.

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Latest guides

See our most recently published comprehensive guides to money matters across all categories:

29 November 2021

8 easy ways to cut your travel insurance costs

Travel insurance could save you thousands if something goes wrong when you are away, but do not pay over the odds for cover. Try these eight ways to keep the cost down.

See how to save on travel insurance
Worried woman on phone
19 November 2021

How to consolidate debts with a loan

If you’re paying off multiple debts, you could move them all into one loan to simplify your payments and potentially save money. We look at how it works.

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Student sitting cross legged with her laptop.
19 November 2021

What’s the maximum you can borrow with a student loan?

Student loans are the most cost-effective way to pay for university for almost everyone, but how much can you borrow? Here we explain everything you need to know.

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Do you homework with our guide to all the different types of student loans, grants and bursaries.
19 November 2021

All the different types of student loans, grants and bursaries explained

From tuition fees to maintenance payments, we explain all the different types of student finance on offer and who can access them.

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27 October 2021

What is Universal Credit?

The government are rolling out a host of changes to the benefit system centred on a Universal Credit that incorporates a host of existing benefits. Here's how the plans could affect your finances.

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Rishi sunak
27 October 2021

Key measures from Rishi Sunak's 2021 Autumn Budget speech

Key points from Chancellor Rishi Sunak's 2021 Autumn Budget speech to the house of commons - and what it all means for your money.

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Research and reports

At money.co.uk we don't just report the news, we also carry out our own research and investigations to help make better sense of personal finance. Here are our latest reports:

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07 September 2020

Save money on your car insurance with these industry hacks

As drivers get back behind the wheel, these tricks could save you £100’s

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11 August 2020

money.co.uk | Employment rate at a 10-year low

Amid the impact that the Coronavirus has had on the UK economy, the Employment rate is at a 10-year low. Money.co.uk has commented on the effect this could have on people's mental health.

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05 August 2020

Press release | Renovation Nation

With most of the nation stuck indoors due to lockdown restrictions, homeowners across the UK are investing in lockdown makeovers, money.co.uk reveals new research.

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09 June 2020

money.co.uk comments: StepChange household debt warning

StepChange has revealed the extent of debt that UK households are experiencing as a result of Covid-19. Money.co.uk comments on these concerns.

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08 June 2020

Tips for employers on returning to work post-lockdown

Following the coronavirus lockdown, we are starting to gradually head back to normality, with many employees are set to start returning to work from the 15th of June. Money.co.uk has offered tips for employers on how to do so safely and effectively.

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08 June 2020

Guide for employees returning to work (press centre)

Across the country offices and workplaces that have been closed for months are slowly starting to re-open their doors and welcome back employees following the Covid-19 lockdown. Money.co.uk has provided guidance for employees going back.

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