Tax & benefit guides

Our guides provide a handy resource for information on tax credits, completing tax returns and living on benefits and could point you in the direction of additional payments that you may be entitled to.

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Are you paying too much tax?

Thousands of people across the UK are paying more tax than they need to, are you one of them? We explain how to check and challenge your tax code.

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The 2022 Spring Statement has been delivered by Chancellor Rishi Sunak

What Rishi Sunak announced in the 2022 Spring Statement and what it all means for your money

Rishi Sunak has delivered his 2022 Spring Statement - outlining his plans to help people and businesses survive the cost of living crisis as inflation soars and finances are stretched. This is what he said and what it all means for you.

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Are you paying too much council tax?

If your home is in the wrong council tax band you could be paying too much and may even be eligible for a refund. Here is what you need to know.

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A beginner's guide to self assessment

The deadline for submitting your online self assessment tax return is approaching fast. Here is what you need to know to file your return on time.

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couple with calculator

How council tax works

If you live in the UK, you normally have to pay council tax, but the cost differs depending on where you live. Here is everything you need to know about council tax.

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old woman giving money to man

How do I gift money without being taxed?

You may be able to give away money without paying tax, but it depends on whom it goes to and how much you give. Here is what you need to know about gifting money without paying tax.

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Inheritance tax: the basics

Inheritance tax is paid on any assets you leave to family or friends when you die, we explain what you need to know and how to avoid it altogether.

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How is inheritance taxed?

Inheritance tax is undoubtedly one of the most unpopular taxes in the UK, yet for the vast majority of people there is nothing to pay. So what exactly is Inheritance Tax? Here is what you need to know.

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What is Universal Credit?

The government are rolling out a host of changes to the benefit system centred on a Universal Credit that incorporates a host of existing benefits. Here's how the plans could affect your finances.

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What benefits are you entitled to?

This guide will tell you what financial assistance is available, so you can make sure you are paid what you are entitled to.

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Claiming disability benefits & financial support

Disability can mean both a drop in your income and an increase in the cost of living. This guide sets out how to claim disability benefits for help with your day-to-day costs.

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The Warm Home Discount Scheme: are you missing out on £140?

You could benefit from the expansion on the Warm Home Discount Scheme this year meaning there'll be no reason to fret about the rising cost of heating. We look at how not to miss out if you're eligible.

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Business people shaking hands

Help to Work scheme: 2 minute guide

Could the Help to Work scheme help you out of long-term unemployment, or do you have other options? Here's what you need to know.

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What do the Child Benefit changes mean for your finances?

Child Benefit rules have changed and you may now need to pay back some or even all of your benefit to the taxman. We examine how the changes affect you and if there is anything you can do to keep your Child Benefit.

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Your tax credit renewal questions answered

When the time comes to renew your tax credits, you need to make sure HMRC have their facts straight or you could get caught out. Here is what you need to do and why.

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What is Air Passenger Duty and can you claim your money back?

Air Passenger Duty on flights for children up to 15 years old has been scrapped. If you have already paid for flights you may need to claim this money back: here is how.

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Gifting money to your children: FAQs

Helping your children out financially is something most parents would like to do, but you need to be careful they don't end up giving it away to the tax man. Here's what you need to know.

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How do you claim tax back?

Paying tax is a fact of life for most of us, but it is surprisingly easy to pay too much and leave yourself out of pocket. Here is how to claim tax back from HMRC.

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