Charge cards are similar to credit cards, but they work in a different way.
Although you can spend on a charge card in just the same way as a credit card, they differ because you must pay off your card balance in full every single month. You cannot carry over a balance from month to month.
No. The difference is that charge cards do not let you borrow money over several months or spread the cost of purchases as you would be able to with a credit card. You have to repay the entire balance owed in full each month.
Credit cards offer more flexibility and allow you to repay the amount you’ve spent on the card over a series of monthly repayments. You can choose how much you want to pay each month, so long as it is at least the minimum amount printed on your monthly statement. If you don’t clear your balance in full, interest will usually be charged.
In comparison, charge cards are not advertised with interest rates because your balance should never roll over into the next month.
Another difference is that unlike credit cards, charge cards do not usually come with limits on what you can spend each month. This means you know the card will be able to cover the cost when you spend on it.
Charge cards are not as widely accepted as credit cards, so you’ll need to check or make sure you have an alternative payment method with you. You may be able to use your card:
In certain shops, restaurants or other businesses
In cash machines
Over the phone
In other countries
Using mail order services
The charge card market isn’t huge, but you’ll be able to find options with certain banks and card providers, particularly if you’re an existing customer. One of the biggest charge card providers is American Express.
Although charge cards do not have an interest rate, they will charge various fees. These include:
Annual fees: These can cost hundreds of pounds each year, but some offer lower fees or no fee for the first year.
Cash withdrawal fees: A percentage of the amount you withdraw, often with a minimum charge of around £3.
Fees for spending abroad: A percentage of what you spend, and they sometimes come with a minimum charge of around £3.
If you do not repay your balance in full by its due date you could be charged:
A fixed late payment fee of around £15
A percentage of the amount due (eg 3.5%), charged every month until you pay it off
Interest charged at a rate higher than most credit cards
A fee of around £20 if your payment bounces
A fee of around £10 every time the card company write to you to chase a missed payment
Your card could also be cancelled and your credit record will be affected if you miss any repayments.
Many charge cards offer a range of rewards, although those with the most rewards tend to have highest annual fees. , Rewards can include:
Travel insurance
Reward schemes like shopping vouchers
Breakdown cover
Discount schemes
Golf club membership
Concierge services
Airport lounge access
Charge cards do not offer the Section 75 protection that credit cards offer, but they may offer their own purchase protection or extended warranty cover instead.
Charge cards are primarily aimed for those with a high income or for businesses charging the company account.
Many charge cards will only accept you if you earn more than their minimum amount (e.g. £60,000) and have a strong credit record.
Businesses can issue several cards to their employees and keep track of what each one has spent when they pay them off each month. As long as repayments are made in full there will be no interest charges and debts on the card.
Some cards even offer detailed management information, which includes reports, patterns and statistics on spending.
As with any type of plastic, to find the best deal you’ll need to shop around and compare your options. This includes checking the annual fee and looking at the benefits each card offers. You’ll need to work out if you would use the benefits and if they are worth the fee the card charges.
If you think you could ever miss a repayment or would want to use the card to borrow, a credit card could work out much cheaper.
Before choosing a charge card, it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons:
No interest to pay
There is usually no credit limit
Little chance of getting into debt
Many offer reward or discount schemes
They can help businesses monitor spending
Your balance must be repaid in full each month
Most have high annual fees
There is no Section 75 protection
Fees apply for missed payments
Not accepted everywhere
You’ll need a high income and good credit score to qualify
Find the best credit card for you, whether you're looking for 0% card for balance transfers or purchases or day to day spending and rewards